Dinner Tips

5 Essential Tips for a Successful Dinner Party


Organizing and hosting a dinner party can be a lot of work, especially if you have never done it before! Below you can find five tips that will help your next soiree be the talk of the town. You may even find some useful ideas you haven’t thought of before.


Prep Like a Professional

Being able to prepare as much as possible early is the easiest way to save time. Doing work up front means less stress when it comes to assembling the dishes. It may even be a good idea to prepare full dishes ahead of time…if possible. The more time you have to enjoy your party the more successful it will be.


Create your Own Bar

It is always a terrific idea to have a variety of beverages available for your guests to choose from. One of the best ways to make everyone happy is to craft your own bar. You can complete it with mixers, non-alcoholic beverages, and any garnishes you can dream up. Visit local breweries to find an interesting selection of craft brews. Serve them in up small glasses so that everyone gets to taste the unique flavours. Looking for a spin on traditional drinks? Try adding some sparkling water with a variety of delicious white balsamic vinegars to your beverage line up. What a refreshing way to win your guests over!


Stay with the Season

Planning a whole party around the current season may be difficult, but it has its benefits! First, purchasing produce in season will guarantee that you are delivering the freshest and finest flavours to your guests. Another benefit to staying with the season is the vibrant colours. In season food will yield the boldest colours – making sure your presentation is bright and exciting. The biggest and most important reason…it will help your pocket book!


Award-Winning Appetizers
Be prepared with a variety of appetizers that you can serve throughout the evening. If one app is not a hit – move on to the next. Try some seasonal appetizers, taking advantage of the foods that are in season. Add a delicious spin to any nut tray. Try our Smokey almond recipe (https://theoliveoilcompany.ca/blogs/recipes/smokey-almonds) for a taste experience your guests will love. Or if you are looking for a healthy alternative – a green salad with a homemade oil and balsamic dressing always goes over well!


Be the Host with the Most

Sure, we don’t always have it all together – but keeping your cool is the most important rule when it comes to hosting your own dinner party. It is your job as the host to ensure you appear relaxed and comfortable throughout the evening, and your guests will follow suit. Sure, you may feel a bit stressed at times. That is completely normal! But letting that stress transfer to your guests will make them feel uncomfortable – not the best mood setter. Take a deep breath…relax…and remember the whole point of the evening is for everyone to have fun – and that includes YOU!


Following these tips are a great start in hosting a successful dinner party! Want to take your evening to the next level? Visit www.theoliveoilcompany.ca to check out our line of high quality olive oils and delicious balsamic vinegars.

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Please be aware that we DO NOT ship to the following Provinces: N.W.T., Nunavut, Quebec, and Yukon. If you would like help finding a store local to you, please e-mail us at info@theoliveoilcompany.ca and we will try to help the best we can.

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