Daily Olive Oil Consumption Linked to Lower Dementia Death Risk, Study Finds - The Olive Oil Times

The study also examined the association between total olive oil consumption and diet quality, including adherence to the Mediterranean diet and the Alternative Healthy Eating Index.

The researchers found that participants with the highest olive oil intake had a lower risk of dementia-related death regardless of their adherence to either diet. “This highlights a potentially specific role for olive oil,” the researchers wrote.

“Still, the group with both high Alternative Healthy Eating Index scores and high olive oil intake exhibited the lowest dementia mortality risk, suggesting that combining higher diet quality with higher olive oil intake may confer enhanced benefit,” they added.

The study also investigated the impact of replacing other dietary fats with olive oil.

Read the full article here: https://www.oliveoiltimes.com/health-news/daily-olive-oil-consumption-linked-to-lower-dementia-death-risk-study-finds/131574
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