Cara Cara Orange Vanilla White Balsamic Vinegar

Product image 1Cara Cara Orange Vanilla White Balsamic Vinegar
Product image 2Cara Cara Orange Vanilla White Balsamic Vinegar

Regular price $15.95 Sale price $15.95

This confectionery white balsamic condimento is aged up to 12 years in Modena, Italy. It’s made from creamy, sultry Madagascar vanilla and bright, fruity cara cara orange. It is delightful with chocolate, fruit salad, in sparkling water, mixed drinks, or drizzled over yogurt and vanilla ice cream. It pairs well with the fruity notes typically found in Koroneiki extra virgin olive oil and is also excellent blended with the organic, all natural Butter olive oil. Use this blend over oatmeal, cream of wheat, or pancakes.

Side Note: Derek discovered that if you mix this balsamic with the Blueberry Dark Balsamic, it tastes almost exactly like Rockets Candy. Mix these together and pour into sparkling water or drizzle it over vanilla ice cream!

Olive Oil Pairings:


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As well, we are not responsible for damaged product that is shipped, especially during the winter months.

During the winter, if your olive oil arrives frozen, simply place the bottle in warm water, and it will return to its liquid state.

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